Write For Us
Thank you for choosing to write for us. We love high-quality contributions to our growing community that encompassed over 200,000 unique users from over 36 states of the country countries in 2025 alone.
Basic Things You Need To Know
Understand the type of writing we publish: Browse through our recent posts or visit our About page. @UTME2025.org
Word count: 1200-5000 words of in-depth value!
Original content: We ask that posts submitted be unique to UTME2025.org We do not accept posts that have already been published or posted elsewhere online or that you plan to distribute to other sites.
Tone: Just do not be boring.
Compensation: Since we do not compensate contributors for posts, we are more than happy to include a maximum of two links to your website inside your content. We can also add by-line and your brief bio containing links to your website, or social media accounts. Please we do not link to low-value site or sites with content that are not related to our site or the content.
Author bio or by-line: Every content you submit on our site should have a brief information about you. Please keep your bio to just 2-6 sentences. Contact us if you are interested in opening an author account with us, otherwise, your article would be published with the guest author account. Your author bio should also have your real picture!
Links: You are only allowed to a maximum of two links to your site. The content you submit to us should not have links to a content that is just a better version.
For example: You should not write a 1000 word article about “10 Ways to pass Jamb 2025” and then link to a 5000-word article on your site about“20 Ways to pass jamb 2025”.
Acceptance: By submitting to UTME2025.org, you acknowledge that you accept our terms, and any form of editing that may occur on behalf of the LarnEdu editorial team.
Pictures or videos: You should have the right to use pictures or videos you use in your post.
Embedding videos from YouTube is acceptable and recommended.
Approval: We typically review and publish articles with 1-5 working days after submission.
SEO: A good writer should have at least some basic knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Yes. However, we reserve the right to drop links that do not link to quality content.
You can use a pen name that sounds like a real name.
You can send your article on our Contact Us page through the form below.