JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has provided an official list of JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025 for candidates preparing for the UTME in Arabic. These textbooks cover key topics likely to appear in the examination.

Note: Ensure you study the books listed below to enhance your preparation.

Arabic is a subject offered in the JAMB examination, known for its rich literature, culture, and history. To prepare effectively, candidates should study the recommended textbooks that align with the syllabus and objectives. This post will provide the list of JAMB-recommended textbooks for Arabic 2025/26, along with tips for effective use.

JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025


JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025


JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025

JAMB Recommended Textbooks for Arabic 202526


JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025

JAMB Syllabus and Objectives for Arabic

The JAMB syllabus and objectives for Arabic are divided into four sections: comprehension, composition and translation, grammar, and literature. Each section has its own topics, sub-topics, and expected outcomes. The syllabus and objectives are designed to test the candidates’ ability to:

  • Read, understand, and analyze Arabic texts of different genres and levels of difficulty
  • Write clear, coherent, and accurate Arabic texts on various topics and purposes
  • Translate simple texts from Arabic to English and vice versa
  • Apply the rules and principles of Arabic grammar to construct correct sentences and identify errors
  • Appreciate the beauty, diversity, and significance of Arabic literature in its historical and cultural contexts

The syllabus and objectives can be downloaded from here or obtained from any JAMB office or accredited center.

JAMB Recommended Textbooks for Arabic 202526

The JAMB recommended textbooks for Arabic are selected from reputable authors and publishers who have expertise and experience in teaching and writing Arabic. They cover the syllabus and objectives of the subject and provide candidates with sufficient practice and revision materials. The textbooks are also written in simple and accessible language that suits the level of the candidates. The following are the JAMB recommended textbooks for Arabic 202526 according to each section of the syllabus:

Comprehension, Composition and Translation

  • بشير أحمد محيي الدين و المرضي مختار المرضي: المطالعة الواضحة. كنو: شركة طن لامى و أبنائه.
  • سيد حمرة مالك: الإنشاء العربى المتوسط (للمدارس الثانوية) إبادن مطبعة الجامعة ب. ل. س. 2005م.
  • عبد الفتاح صبرى و علي عمر بك: القراءة الرشيدة. الجزء 1 – 4 القاهرة: دار المعارف.
  • عبد الله الطيب: سمير التلاميذ الجزء 1 – 2 الخرطوم: مكتب النشر.
  • غرب ط. زاريا (1999م): كيف تكتب الإنشاء: كنو مطبعة جامعة بايرو.
  • محمد الأول أبوبكر و الآخرون: العربية الميسرة الجديدة للمرحلة الثانوية. إبادن: دار سبكترم للطباعة و النشر.
  • محمد بديع شريف و سليم حكيم و الحاج حسين آدمو: العربية الجديدة فى نيجيريا. الكتاب 1 – 3 إكيجا: لونغمان.
  • 8. Adekilekun, A. L. A.: Learning Arabic Language, Ilorin.
  • Balogun, I. A. B. and Oseni Z. I. (1982) A Modern Arabic Course Book 1 Lagos: Islamic Publications Bureau.
  • Haywood, J. A. and Nahmad, H. M. (1965), A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language, London: Lund Humphries.
  • Malik, S. H. A. (1982) A Guide to Arabic Composition, Books I & II, Lagos I.P.B.
  • Arabic newspapers, magazines and journals.


  • على الجارم و مصطفى أمين: النحو الواضح لمدارس المرحلة الأولية. الجرء 1 – 3. القاهرة: دار المعارف.
  • محمد أجروم الصنهاجى: متن الأجرومية. القاهرة.
  • محمد محيي الدين عبد الحميد: التحفة السنية بشرح المقدمة الأجرومية. بيروت: دار الفكر.
  • Haywood, J.A and Nahmad, H.M (1965), A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language, London: Lund Humphries.

Arabic Literature

  • على الجارم و مصطفى أمين: النحو الواضح لمدارس المرحلة الأولية. الجرء 1 – 3. القاهرة: دار المعارف.
  • محمد أجروم الصنهاجى: متن الأجرومية. القاهرة.
  • محمد محيي الدين عبد الحميد: التحفة السنية بشرح المقدمة الأجرومية. بيروت: دار الفكر.
  • Haywood, J.A and Nahmad, H.M (1965), A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language, London: Lund Humphries.

English Transliteration JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025

JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks 2025/2025

READ ALSO:JAMB UTME Agric Recommended Textbooks 2025/2026

The JAMB UTME Arabic Recommended Textbooks are crucial tools for candidates preparing for their examinations, designed to be referenced throughout the study period rather than read once and forgotten. To use these resources effectively, it’s important to start your preparation early by creating a study plan that covers all syllabus sections. Carefully reading the textbooks to understand concepts, rules, and examples while taking notes and highlighting key points is essential.

In addition to reading, candidates should practice exercises and questions at the end of each chapter, checking their answers against provided solutions. Regular revision and self-testing using past questions and mock exams will help identify strengths and weaknesses. Seeking assistance from teachers, tutors, or peers can provide valuable support, and engaging in online forums allows for discussion and idea-sharing with fellow candidates.

Ultimately, the recommended textbooks for Arabic in 2025/26 serve as comprehensive resources that enhance candidates’ skills and confidence in the subject. By utilizing these materials effectively, students can improve their performance and achieve their desired scores. We hope this guidance has been helpful, and we encourage any questions or comments. Best of luck in your preparation and exams!

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